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  • Birthday 02/09/1974

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  1. Hello Draco, Updated to v18.77 and attached all new .ini and log files. Nothing has changed, my previous post still valid GameEx.ini log.txt
  2. Hello Gentlemen , I am sorry for the late reply. I recorded the bugs, so you can have a look for yourself. My Theme.ini is telling me that the theme is a v4 theme. Sadly i forgot what the differences are between all these versions and AFAIK from the past, there was a point where GameEx would support only v4 themes, but i could be very wrong here . Now coming to the first bug: If i sound harsh then i am really sorry, it is not my intention (seriously). So Tom is saying this "bug" has always being the case for "trimming" the menue. If that is the case, i would really be happy, if the sorting of the menue would be different in that way, that the "by manufacturer" and "by developer" options would be the last items in the menue. Currently the "by year" option, is the last item in the menue and if you trim "by manufacturer" or "by developer", you will also automatically trim the "by year" option. At this point i also want to mention that in the case of MAME, the "by manufacturer" or "by developer" options lead to the same result. So I dont see a point, why i need to have both sorting options in the menue. Not only that, it also contains a bug where clicking the "by developer" item, is acting like you have pressed the "Home" button. Just observe carefully the end of the bug 1 clip. It will only show up, if the "game info" menue is enabled. IMHO Tom should rework the "game info" menue. It should not contain any sorting menue items, because it is not really needed (you can always go back one step and do the sorting there.) and should focus more on the "game info". Also the sorting menue that shows up with the "game info" screen cannot be trimmed , no matter what you do, it will show up in its full glory.... eh mmh length . The Bug 2 Clip is showing the "scrolling through game info" bug. The only way to scroll through it, is to enable the loop function (see first post) and do a reverse scroll (from end to start), by pressing the "arrow up" key on the keyboard. Thats all so far GameEx_Bug1_ 2024-09-18.mp4 GameEx_Bug2_ 2024-09-18.mp4 Theme.ini
  3. Ooops, i did not know this. Guess I will try to record the bugs then and post a video .
  4. I dont use Windows 11 for many obvious reasons, including this "feature", but thanks anyway . If you know any else free to use screen capturing software, let me know it. For the second bug, yeah please try it. For this, you only need to be sure that "Show Game Information" is enabled in the setup wizard of the "Enable / Disable Feature" section. Can not imagine, that this is done on purpose to minimize latency.
  5. Hello Draco , thanks for looking into this. First I am sure, that I use the latest version of GameEx, as i do the "automatic" updates. I just did not look into the download section to know what the latest version is, instead looked in the forum news section for it . Any good way to know which version is GameEx running on? Second, gameex.ini and log.txt files attached. Third, any good and easy to (de)-install screen capturing software recommended? I did find out the cause of the first bug. Remember that in my last thread I wanted to remove the "Sort by Developer" option? The solution was to leave the developer line in the English.ini blank . In the current version of GameEx, doing this has a downside, because it removes everything that comes after the "Sort by Developer" too which includes the "Sort by year" option. If for example you leave the "Sort by Name" line blank, then you would have removed the "Sort by..." menue entirely ðŸĪŠ. I am almost sure, this behaviour was not the case with my older version of GameEx. The second bug, is still the same. Cheers! GameEx.ini log.txt
  6. Hello folks 😇 , After taking a break creating my theme and getting back after holidays, I did update GameEx to version 18.75. However it seems that this version introduced two possible bugs. To better replicate the problems, I will try to explain it as this: The first bug is, that the "Sort by: Year" option in the MAME menue is not showing up anymore. However it shows up, if "Show Game Information" is enabled in the setup wizard of the "Enable / Disable Feature" section AND you clicked on a MAME game from your game list. For proof I attached my English.ini and i also enabled "English" as language in the setup wizard. Just to be sure it is not my mistake. This brings me to the second bug. You cant completely scroll through the game info list and therefore can not read any game info. Lets say for example, you click on Donkey Kong, then you should see a "Game Information" in your list field. How many lines to scroll it has, depends on your list field size. Lets assume my list field contains 90 lines of "Game Information", but the list field shows only the MAME extras, that are enabled in the "MAME Settings" of the setup wizard. Like the Flyer, Marquee, 3D cabinet etc. This means you can only scroll about 10 lines of the 90 lines from the "Game Information". It misses the entire history and mameinfo lines or better said you can not reach them, because you get stuck after about 10 lines of scrolling. A workaround for this, is to enable the "Loop" option in the "Input Settings" from the setup wizard. Afterwards you can scroll backwards (like scrolling from line 0 to line 90 in one step), then the "Game Information" will finally show up, but you will need to read it from bottom to top which is confusing. I hope I was clear enough, but it should be easy to replicate i think. Thx in advance, for anyone trying. English.ini
  7. First of all, everything you wrote is true / right, but you will not find "by developer" in the setup wizard, which was my point and why i could not change that. You will find it only in the language .ini files . So it might be something for Tom to consider. It is not available in the setup wizard. I am happy for your find out, especially to have the options for entirely removing "sorting" stuff. Great find, Draco 👍. Any GameEx Update will overwrite the .ini file. I remember this, because i did every update manually in the past. I dont know what happens if the .ini file is "read only" , it was something i never tried, because I wanted to avoid any errors during the update. Instead I manually replaced the language.ini file. Aaah memories are coming back . It is also better, to do changes with the language.ini files, because you have at least a file to look at, which with "custom" is not the case.
  8. Yeah, I am a complete idiot . Ok, my approach was to use the setup wizard, choose "custom" language and then change the text inside the setup wizard. Now I see, i should just use "english" as language and then edit the English.ini . Sorry guys, really, it was years ago doing these stuff. I feel ashamed . Guess this is solved too .
  9. Ok, thanks for the answer(s) Tom . If it can not be removed (which i fully understand), can it be changed into something shorter, i.e. devs? Also it would be then the only text, that cant be changed with "custom" language for the "sort menue". For all other "sort" menue options, i can decide what text should be showed and for "by developer" it is not possible? How the hell did I do that, with my old theme 😃😜 (hammering my head) Guess I will need to experiment a little with this.
  10. I dont have anything from my old theme anymore, except the artwork. I was dumb and did not think about such stuff and that I will needed again . Now I realize that there was a lot of things to think about BEFORE emptying the trash can. I attached my new theme.ini , if that helps any. Reading it, I did not found anything useful regarding the topic here. Theme.ini
  11. Thank you Draco for looking into this. I know it worked in my old theme, but I cant remember how this was done. The only thing I know, it is possible, without changing something hardcoded. I also think to remember that to change "by developer", I needed to change some custom text, that did not had "developer" in it, i.e. changing "artist" would change/influence that "by developer" thing. This screenshot was from my old theme and as you can see, there is no developer item in the top menue, so there must be some way.
  12. Hello gentlemen , As the topic title says, i want to change (or remove entirely) the naming of "by developer" in the main menue field. It is visible, when it comes to sorting the games, like by name, year, company etc. I already found this topic here: but this is "Genres" and not "by developer". Might work for "by developer" too, but i would need the exact wording / line of code, that i need to put into my .ini file. It also does not solve the problem, if i only want to change the naming of the option. I could not find it anywhere in "custom" texts. Here is a screenshot of my problem: Thanks for any help in advance, u-man
  13. Perfect Update. Everything working now. Thank you, thank you, thank you TOM 💖 PS: Joined Patreon, should be enough for a beer or two .
  14. OK, after running the install file again, the infinity-loop is gone, but I have another problem now. This time it is the marquees. So for most games now, instead of the marquees, i see the manufacturer logo. So for a Capcom game, the Capcom Logo shows up and for a Sega game, the Sega Logo etc. Marquees are only shown for games, where no manufacturer logo is found. So i guess the priority of what to show first, must have changed. 😜😇😂 Hope there will be another update, sorry Tom. PS: Still one character wrong at least. It is the "&" character. Instead of "&", we have & in the description field.
  15. That is so true. Back in the days, i was more of a collector/horder of games, but real life showed that this is not really a practible usecase. Same goes for GameEx and themes. Great to have all these options but trying to use all of them, is a bit overdose for the "average" visitor on my cab. This becomes even more relevant on low-res CRT resolutions. For example, these icons become clueless in low-resolution. You can barely identify "something" and most of the time they are simply pixel-porridge . But Draco, you might can help me with my "top"-menue. See that "by developer" option? I can not find this in "custom" text to change it. In fact i would even like to get rid of it entirely and i know this is possible, because that was the case with my old theme. I just cant remember how it was done . ATTENTION Tom: It seems that the latest update, is captured in a infinity-loop of "trying to update". At least my GameEx wants to update each time, even after doing it (a couple of times).
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